Sunday, June 28, 2009


Yesterday I took my father to see the movie Up. He wasn't all that crazy about going, as he enjoys a quiet night at home more than anything. Well, we got the 3D glasses, and he asked me if he had to wear the damn things for the whole movie. Yep, you do, dad. The movie starts, and it is about an older man who loses his wife, then embarks on the adventure they had saved for their whole life. This really hit home for dad, because, as most of you know, we lost mom last year. Dad was captivated by the movie. We laughed, we cried, we hugged. It was a joyous experience.

Today dad called me and told me that he wants to take Sarah, his granddaughter, to see it for her birthday. He says he thinks it will help her understand grandpa a little bit better.

Movies can work magic. They really can.


Anonymous said...

aww, ,,sniff! How cute that you took Dad...I've been wanting to see this movie so bad. And yeah, it totally sounds like him, the whole story sounds like his! Awesome..I hope he goes and sees the movie with Sara soon!


Anonymous said...

*sniff* This brought tears to my eyes. I'm glad you and your dad were able to share that time. I may have to take my dad sometime soon. We lost Mom 2 years ago and he's still struggling with it.

Ivana Clay said...

Hi there. I just found your blog from 2p's! And I just had to let ya know that I really enjoyed it. This post about your dad and the movie UP is truly neat! :) What a great memory for the two of you.

**MIGNONNE** said...

What a beautiful post. I am thinking we need to take the kids to see this soon. I've heard great things and your post sealed the deal!

janett said...

Aww, that's really sweet. Glad he enjoyed it!

glitzen said...

Sob! I loved this movie so much. I want some of the scenes on my iPod, so I can watch them over and over. Its soooooo good.